Have you ever felt ‘on the scrapheap’?
It could be for one or more of a number of reasons.
During this life we can begin to feel useless and discarded because we are too old…
too young… don’t fit in…redundant…failed to make the grade….or just feel too ill.
Have you ever felt abandoned by God too?
Jesus knows how all this feels. Not only did He not ‘fit in’ to this world but on the cross He uttered those desolate words: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” While the pure Son of God willingly took on Himself the awfulness of our sin, His Father could not even look at Him. Jesus was forsaken, so that we would never have to be. He chose to suffer the blazing wrath of a holy and just God, in our place, so we may be forgiven and become friends with God for ever. Such Love never discards any of His precious friends that He died to save.
Come and join us this Easter as we think about how much we are all valued by the One who gave His life so we might come to love Him in return.
Come and join us this Easter, we'd love to see you!
We are meeting on Good Friday at 10:45 am to spend time thinking about Jesus dying for us. Then join us on Easter Sunday morning at 10:45 am for an all age Jesus' victory over death as we celebrate His resurrection.